Pro-Science, Pro-technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Access to Energy is a newsletter that discusses scientific issues that are of special importance to the public interest. The text is writen in laymans terms and also includes references to the scientific literature in support of the conclusions reached. Written in an entertaining popular style, AtE urges readers not to "trust and parrot" the politically motivated statements of the press, politicians, and other self-interested parties. It even urges that readers not "trust and parrot" AtE itself, but provides experimental data and references such that its readers can reach their own conclusions. About one third of AtE subscribers are scientists and two thirds are laymen. The renewal rate for AtE is greater than 90%, which indicates the quality with which this newsletter is researched and written. This is one of those rare newsletters that does not stop with just publication, but goes into effective action for the causes it espouses. The latest instance of this is the Petition Project - an anti-global warming petition signed by over 17,000 scientists - which exposes Al Gore's "scientific consensus" on global warming as phony. This Petition Project was funded by subscriptions and donations from the readers of Access to Energy . See Global Warming Debunking News and Views for more. |
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine |