At this website you will be able to access the latest in research data related to the papers on the subject published by Dr. Art Robinson and Noah Robinson. Also see the free book in PDF format at http://deamidation.org/MolecularClocks.pdf
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
This web site is dedicated to the supply of information about the deamidation of asparaginyl and glutaminyl residues in peptides and proteins. The site began operation in April, 2001. Of special interest are the computed deamidation rate CD and ID values for all proteins for which 3-dimensional structures are in the Protein Data Bank. Immediate access to CD values for each of the 237,039 Asn in the 17,935 proteins on file in the Protein Data Bank as of January 2003 and the corresponding Asn S parameters and protein ID values is provided by clicking: CD and ID Database.
PDB identifiers for individual proteins are available at www.rcsb.org. Additional CD and ID values for any protein of known 3-dimensional structure that is not listed in this database are available by email request from noah@oism.org. The predicted half-life in days of the amide in 37 °C, pH 7.4, 0.15 M Tris buffer is given by (100)(CD). The predicted half-life for the net deamidation of one amide in a protein, with all amides considered, is given by (100)(ID). The 443-page book, Molecular Clocks: Deamidation of Asparaginyl and Glutaminyl Residues in Peptides and Proteins by N. E. Robinson and A. B. Robinson provides a complete review of this subject with 1,785 references to the research literature. It can be obtained as listed below.
The book, Molecular Clocks, can also be viewed and read on the Internet at:
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