Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Doctors for Disaster Preparedness has a regular newsletter and a yearly conference held in summer with outstanding speakers. Some of the presentations are also made available through this website. You can also find A BASIC MEDICAL KIT FOR A 10-20 PERSON SHELTER web page here as well. Other topics on the website include: Chem/Bio Terrorism, Vaccines, DDT, Low Dose Radiation, Civil Defense, Chemical Hysteria, Physician Oaths, and Nuclear Fear. DDP promotes homeland defense and prudent preparedness for disasters of all kinds, including war or terrorism. Its annual meeting brings together America's foremost authorities on strategic and civil defense as well as prominent scientists speaking on real threats or manufactured scares. Recent topics: global warming, ozone "depletion," radiation hazards and radiation hormesis. DDP This website is also available on the Fighting Chance DVD along with the additional 10 years of worth of conference tapes from the annual DDP Meetings. There are 150 MP3 files on just about every topic imaginable related to disaster preparedness by the world's leading experts. You can purchase this DVD by clicking here.
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