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Edition Notes
Table of Contents
About the Author
NWSS Chapters
Ch. 1: The Dangers from Nuclear Weapons: Myths and Facts
Ch. 2: Warnings and Communications
Ch. 3: Psychological Preparations
Ch. 4: Evacuation
Ch. 5: Shelter, the Greatest Need
Ch. 6: Ventilation and Cooling of Shelters
Ch. 7: Protection Against Fires and Carbon Monoxide
Ch. 8: Water
Ch. 9: Food
Ch. 10: Fallout Radiation Meters
Ch. 11: Light
Ch. 12: Shelter Sanitation and Preventive Medicine
Ch. 13: Surviving Without Doctors
Ch. 14: Expedient Shelter Furnishings
Ch. 15: Improvised Clothing and Protective Items
Ch. 16: Minimum Pre-Crisis Preparations
Ch. 17: Permanent Family Fallout Shelters for Dual Use
Ch. 18: Trans-Pacific Fallout
NWSS Appendices
App. A: Instructions for Six Expedient Fallout Shelters
App. A.1: Door-Covered Trench Shelter
App. A.2: Pole-Covered Trench Shelter
App. A.3: Small-Pole Shelter
App. A.4: Aboveground, Door-Covered Shelter
App. A.5: Aboveground, Ridgepole Shelter
App. A.6: Aboveground, Crib-Walled Shelter
App. B: How to Make and Use a Homemade Shelter-Ventilating Pump
App. C: A Homemade Fallout Meter, the KFM
App. D: Expedient Blast Shelters
App. E: How to Make a Homemade Piston Pump
App. F: Providing Improved Ventalation and Light
Selected References
Selected Index
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The author takes this opportunity to thank the following persons for their special contributions, without many of which it would have been impossible to have written this book:

L. Joe Deal, James L. Liverman, and W. W. Schroebel for the essential support they made possible over the years, first by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, next by the Energy Research and Development Administration, and then by the Department of Energy. This support was the basis of the laboratory work and field testing that produced most of the survival instructions developed between 1964 and 1979, given in this book. Mr. Schroebel also reviewed early and final drafts and made a number of improvements.

John A. Auxier, Ph.D., health physicist, who for years was Director of the Industrial Safety and Applied Health Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)-for manuscript review and especially for checking statements regarding the effects of radiation on people.

Conrad V. Chester, Ph.D., chemical engineer, civil defense researcher, developer of improved defenses against exotic weapons and unconventional attacks, nuclear strategist, and currently Group Leader, Emergency Planning Group, ORNL-for advice and many contributions, starting with the initial organization of material and continuing through all the drafts of the original and this edition.

William K. Chipman, LLD, Office of Civil Preparedness, Federal Emergency Management Agency-for review in 1979 of the final draft of the original ORNL edition.

George A. Cristy, M.S., who for many years was a chemical engineer and civil defense researcher at ORNL-for contributions to the planning of the original edition and editing of early drafts.

Kay B. Franz, Ph.D., nutritionist, Associate Professor, Food Science and Nutrition Department, Brigham Young University- for information and advice used extensively in the Food chapter.

Samuel Glasstone, Ph.D., physical chemist and the leading authority on the effects of nuclear weapons-for overall review and constructive recommendations, especially regarding simplified explanations of the effects of nuclear weapons.

Carsten M. Haaland, M.S., physicist and civil defense researcher at ORNL-for scientific advice and mathematical computations of complex nuclear phenomena.

Robert H. Kupperman, Ph.D., physicist, in 1979 the Chief Scientist, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Department of State-for review of the final draft of the 1979

David B. Nelson, Ph.D., electrical engineer and mathematician, for years a civil defense and thermonuclear energy researcher at ORNL, an authority on electromagnetic pulse (EMP) problems-for manuscript review and contributions to sections on electromagnetic pulse phenomena, fallout monitoring instruments, and communications.

Lewis V. Spencer, Ph.D., for many years a physicist with the Radiation Physics Division, Center for Radiation Research, National Bureau of Standards-for his calculations and advice regarding needed improvements in the design of blast shelters to assure adequate protection of occupants against excessive exposure to initial nuclear radiation.

Edward Teller, Ph.D., nuclear physicist, leading inventor of offensive and defensive weapons, a strong supporter of' civil defense at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and worldwide-for contributing the Foreword, originally written for the American Security Council 1980 edition, and for his urging which motivated the author to work on this 1987 edition.

Eugene P. Wigner, Ph.D., physicist and mathematician, Nobel laureate, Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics, Princeton University, a principal initiator of the Nuclear Age and a prominent leader of the civil defense movement-for encouraging the writing of the original edition of this book, contributing the About the Author section, and improving drafts, especially of the appendix on expedient blast shelters.

Edwin N. York, M.S., nuclear physicist, Senior Research Engineer, Boeing Aerospace Company, designer of blast-protective structures-for overall review and recommendations, particularly those based on his extensive participation in nuclear and conventional blast tests, and for improving both the original and this edition.

Civil defense officials in Washington and several states for information concerning strengths and weaknesses of official civil defense preparations.

Helen C. Jernigan for editing the 1979 manuscript, and especially for helping to clarify technical details for non-technical readers.

May E. Kearny for her continuing help in editing, and for improving the index.

Ruby N. Thurmer for advice and assistance with editing the original edition.

Marjorie E. Fish for her work on the photographs and drawings.

Janet Sprouse for typing and typesetting the additions in the 1987 edition.

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Copyright 2004 Nuclear War Survival Skills - Authorized by Cresson Kearny - Digitized by Arnold Jagt