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This book should be in every American home and place of business. It should be a part of all civilian and military defense preparations. In this nuclear age, prior preparation and knowledge are the primary elements of survival during nuclear war, biological and chemical attack, and other man-made or natural disasters. This book provides that essential knowledge.
This book was last revised in 2001 with an Addendum on Hormesis by Cresson Kearny.
It is published on a non-profit, non-royalty basis by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (a 501 [c] [3] public foundation). These low prices also are made possible by continuing donations to the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine given specifically to help meet the cost of publication and wide distribution of this updated and enlarged edition.
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Fighting Chance Civil Defense 8 DVD Set
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The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, which distributes extensive written, audio, and video information on expedient and permanent civil defense procedures and preparations, has produced a series of four video tapes in which the field tested instructions in Nuclear War Survival Skills and facts about nuclear weapons effects are demonstrated by civil defense volunteers including demonstrations and explanations by Cresson H. Kearny.
Shelter construction and ventilation, water purification, food preparation, radiation monitoring and many other life-saving procedures - these essential survival skills are performed just as they would be to save lives in a real nuclear emergency. This is six hours of video viewing that should be experienced by every American family.
Part 1: Expedient Blast and Radiation Shelters (102 minutes)
Part 2: Shelter Ventilation and Various Other Survival Skills (78 minutes)
Part 3: Home-makeable and Commercial Fallout Radiation Meters (117 minutes)
Part 4: Nuclear War Facts as Told to Teenagers (74 minutes)
Complete Set - Four parts - Four tapes: $95.00 VHS $105.00 Beta
Each Tape Alone: $29.50 VHS $32.00 Beta
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These tapes are now available on DVD along with an extensive library of complimentary materials:
Fighting Chance DVD Set - the most extensive DVD video and MP3 collection available for Civil Defense. All of the materials printed on all of our civil defense websites is recreated on these DVDs. But more extraordinary; all the essential education you need to implement the recommendations of the books are demonstrated on video for you and your family to see. This makes the material all the more real and easy to learn. Since it gives you all these materials on DVD it gives you access to this wealth of material even when you are disconnected from the Internet.
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by Cresson Kearny
This is a new book recently published by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Here are some reviews:
"Throughout the military history of the American poeple, the qualities that have contributed most to winning battles have been the ability and the willingness of its combat leaders to innovate and solve unexpected problems with ingenuity and creativity. Jungles Sanfus ... and Remedies provides an amazing revelation of first hand stories and anecdotes that enable the reader to gain ideas and examples of how imaginative thinking by combat leaders can avoid disasters, save lives, and win battles. The book is a fun read and covers many areas unrelated to jungles. I strongly recommend that all leaders, especially those in infantry and Special Operations units, read this fascinating collection of combat wisdom."
John K. Singlaub
Major General U.S. Army (Ret.)
World-ranging fighter in defense of freedom
"This is the record of a large part of a lifetime devoted to detecting things that went wrong, often fatally, for the foot-slogging soldier in America's twentieth century wars, and inventing canny ways to set them right. This anecdotally rich work is essential for soldiers who would like a better chance if there is a next time, and interesting for those who merely enjoylearning new things."
Howard K. Smith
Outstanding war correspondent
and TV news commentator
"This book includes descriptions of much of the combat-proven equipment, ranging from lightweight breath-inflated boats and individual flotation devices to cool mosquito-protective uniforms, that again should be produced and issued to American soldiers. Teams from my Jungle Platoon needed such equipment when reconnoitering some 40 Japanese-held islands and destroying installations. Nor would all 11 Rangers of the team I commanded have been drowned off Omaha Beech had they had the breath-inflated bladders issued late in WWII to many thousands of our soldiers fighting Japanese invaders."
Geroge C. Ferguson
who was awarded 12 Purple
Hearts before being made the
Command Sergeant Major of CONRAC
This book is: "Dedicated to American infantrymen, who in our future wars will continue to pay the greatest costs."
Jungle Snafus ... and Remedies is available postage paid within the United States at the following prices:
1 copy $29.95
I understand I will receive, as a bonus, the two latest issues of Access to Energy. Books are sent book rate (allow 4-6 weeks for delivery). Include an extra $35 for express delivery.
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Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, P.O. Box 1279 , Cave Junction, Oregon 97523
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Cresson H. Kearny's background and life uniquely qualified him to write Jungle Snafus.. and Remedies. It is the only book that gives a comprehensive account of personal equipment and basic weapons used in combat primarily by foot soldiers, especially by generations of American infantrymen.
A high plateau of Kearny's life was his 4 years of service as the first and only Jungle Experiments Officer in the Panama Mobile Force or in any other organization. That service began 8 months before Pearl Harbor, shortly after he demonstrated his assemblage of jungle equipment to Major General Walter E. Prosser, commanding general of the Panama Mobile Force. Prosser had him ordered from Texas, where he was an Army Reserve first lieutenant of infantry in the Army's 2nd Division, to become Jungle Experiments Officer of the Panama Mobile Force.
Lieutenant Kearny's ability to attract the interest of high-ranking generals and gain their support was a result of a concept he developed in Venezuelan jungles when working as an exploration geologist for Standard Oil. He conceived whole regiments of American jungle soldiers receiving excellent jungle boots, clothing, lightweight, ready-to-eat rations, jungle hammocks, insect repellents, medicines to prevent tropical infections, and waterproof bags to keep their gear dry - all better than those bought by or issued to Standard Oil's best equipped jungle exploration geologists. Plus breath-inflated individual flotation gear and many very lightweight breath-inflated boats, prototypes of which he had made in Texas before demonstrating his specialized jungle equipment and explaining his tactical concepts to Major General Prosser.
The greatest blessing in Cresson H. Kearny's life, falling in love for life with beautiful May Willacy Eskridge, mother of their 5 children, was an immediate result of the demonstration he gave to Major General Prosser of the prototype of his breath-inflated boat. This unexpected stroke of good fortune is recounted in the second chapter of his wide-ranging book.
Machetes and other fighting knives, archaic weapons that are fascinating to Kearny and many others, are described in one bloody chapter. That chapter features his friend Command Sergeant Major George C. Ferguson, more experienced in machete and other knife fights than any other American soldier. Ferguson was decorated with 12 purple hearts.
Kearny succeeded in equipping every soldier in the first Jungle Platoons with an 18 inch machete. He bought those machetes with funds that Lieutenant General Frank Andrews, C.G. of the Caribbean Defense Command, made available to him. That issue of machetes led to the Army buying tens of thousands of machetes. Machetes replaced the Army's few heavy, less useful bolos, copies of the fighting knives of fierce Moro tribesmen in the Philippines.
Kearny conceived, made, and reported in his book on the first device proved in a field test to be effective for reducing the deadliness of fuel-air explosion (FAE) weapons. Stingers, shoulder-fired, heat-seeking anti-aircraft rockets, are described, as are Javelins, the remarkable new shoulder-fired tank destroyers.
Kearny's official work on jungle equipment ended in 1944 when he volunteered to become a demolition and sabotage officer with the Office for Strategic Services (O.S.S.). He served in war-torn China for several months before our atom bombs ended World War II.
Major General Stephen Watts Kearny, who commanded the First United States Dragoons in 1834 - 1846, greatly improved the basic equipment, uniforms, transport, and tactics of U. S. Cavalry. Learning about those successes of young Cresson H. Kearny's most illustrious military ancestor helped him believe he had a fair chance of improving the equipment and tactics of American jungle infantrymen in World War II. This book recounts Lieutenant Kearny's successes and failures.
The author's privileged boyhood contributed significantly to his ability to write this book. Born on January 7, 1914 in San Antonio, Texas, he was an experienced hunter of small game before he killed his first buck when seven years old. At Texas Military Institute, the best secondary school in Texas in the 1930s, he became the commanding officer of the cadet corps, a champion runner and rifle shot, and valedictorian of his class. His jungle experiences began when he was a 13 year old visiting his Uncle Charles C. Cresson, then a major serving in the Philippines.
Kearny's higher education included taking a civil engineering degree at Princeton University, where he graduated with highest honors in 1937. He was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, where he received two degrees in geology. Those and subsequent distinctions - including early promotion to major, and being awarded the Legion of Merit for his accomplishments during World War II and the Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service received after the Vietnam War - have enabled him to have a wide choice of work opportunities. This despite being unable to hold a job during several incapacitating recurrences of a polio-like viral infection, as yet undiagnosed, which he contracted in China late in World War II.
Nuclear War Survival Skills, a detailed book on self-help civil defense, was initially published and distributed in 1979 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is Kearny's most influential book. It gives detailed information primarily on what typical Americans can do for themselves to improve their chances of surviving a nuclear attack or accident. That book has instructions with dimensioned patterns, including ones for building homemakeable shelter ventilating pumps and the only accurate homemakeable fallout radiation meter. Those lifepreserving devices use only materials found in practically all American towns. Both were invented and developed by Kearny.
By 1998 over 400,000 copies of his book had been produced and sold by nongovernment organizations. In 1998 the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (O.I.S.M.) was selling copies of its third printing of that 282-page book for $ 19.75, postage paid to all addresses with United States zip codes. O.I.S.M.'s address is P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523.
In 1998 Cresson H. and May E. Kearny still were living on their farm home m a mountain valley in western Colorado. At 84 Cresson hopes to continue his unpaid work resurrecting and improving needed defense and survival equipment.