An Excellent K-12 Home School Curriculum
Developed by a scientist and his six children
I N T R O D U C T I O N Teach your children to teach themselves and to acquire superior knowledge as did many of America's most outstanding citizens in the days before socialism in education. [MORE...]
Listen to a talk by Dr. Robinson about homeschooling and more.
T H E R O B I N S O N S T O R Y We Need Higher Hopes
Read the Robinson family's story and discover how their efforts created a home school that actually needs no teacher and is extraordinary in its effectiveness.
"Ten years ago Laurelee and I decided to educate our children in a homeschool rather than a public school or a private school. The burden of this decision fell most heavily upon Laurelee who took responsibility for the substantial work that we expected this home school to require." [CONTINUED...]
From the original article by Dr. Robinson: Christian Children Must Have More Than A Fighting Chance
F R O M O U R C U S T O M E R S Why We Chose Robinson Curriculum Having the kids self-teach, I believe, is one of the best ways to prepare them for adulthood - after all, they'll continue to learn and study topics of interest all their lives. If I hold their hand, they'll never learn: independent study habits, responsibility, accountability, to think things out on their own, and justified self-confidence
Homeschool Mom Paula Miller, Whole Intentions [CONTINUED...]
I Love the Robinson Curriculum! We love Robinson Curriculum! I've used it for a year, and am sticking with it, especially now that there are so many more CD-ROMs to use. I love it because my girls really are becoming self taught, my 12 year old having literally educated herself this year. [CONTINUED...]
A U N I Q U E A P P R O A C H The Independent Learner When you teach something you truly learn it. This is the key to the self-teaching approach of the Robinson Curriculum. In this set of articles Dr. Arthur Robinson explains the benefits of this approach and provides other insights on a variety of topics.
Click on a link in the index on the left to see more information.
Q U I C K O V E R V I E W Learning Features Printable books/materials on CD Complete Course of Study 12 Years of Education - 22 CDs 120,000 Page Library Resource 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica 1913 Noah Webster's Dictionary 2,000 Historic Illustrations 6,000 Word Vocabulary Teacher Progress Exams Keyed to Books Outstanding Science Program Very High Academic Quality Proven Methods of Self Study Long Feature Description
22 CD-ROMs, deluxe hardcover folding CD case, printable books, science program, vocabulary, phonics, and math flash cards.[MORE... ] Note: Does not include the Saxon Mathbooks. Rated #1 in SevenCurriculum Categories
First Places in: Literature Vocabulary Curriculum - Middle School Curriculum - High School Spelling Grammar / Language Arts History
Use as a standalone homeschool curriculum or as a supplement to your children's current school education; all books, science program, and vocabulary, phonics, and math flash cards included. You can find out where to start older childrenhere. Value Priced
The total price of the Robinson Curriculum is $195 - onetime.
No matter how many children you have you only need to purchase one curriculum for them all. Express Shipping
Ask about FedEx shipping for only $35 (great for emergencies). Order Yours Today Order by Internet Order by Phone Order by Mail