Long Beach Press Telegram Friday, June 23, 2000: GLOBAL WARMING Gregg Easterbrook's piece on global warming is but another attempt to brainwash the American public. He admits that the consequences of global warming are conflicting among the chicken littles. One "scientific study" states there will be more rain, the other claims a "catastrophic drought that kills off all trees of the American Southeast." His proof is, "statistically significant changes in rainfall patterns in North America." Didn't El Nino cause all of that? Does anyone remember the leading stories a couple of years ago on the evening news predicting untold amounts of "significant changes" in our rainfall? Does anyone remember that we were told that El Nino affected the weather patterns around the world? How can the weather be predicted decades out when the weather cannot even be predicted accurately from one week to another? I propose that we listen to Al Gore and get rid of the single most destructive thing to the earth's environment, your automobiles! Chicken Littles? Yes, and Al Gore leads the pack! Christopher T. Hicks Long Beach